What is Interpersonal Dynamics?
Interpersonal Orientation is managing the political process in the organisation. When one learns to navigate through the political landscape then Leadership gains traction. Interpersonal Dynamics is any engagement between one to one, one to many or many to many.
Power and Interpersonal are the key ingredients in shaping the culture and managing team dynamics. If one is interpersonally effective, there isn’t a need for excessive use of power to derive outcomes.
We draw on 2 frameworks.
One is the work of Daniel Goleman, an American writer, who has done extensive research in the area of Emotional Intelligence, while dealing with interpersonal effectiveness.
In his book Emotional Intelligence, he mentions 3 important aspects of interpersonal effectiveness with regard to self:

The other is our proprietary framework on Interpersonal Dynamics orientation. To build effective interpersonal dynamics, it is important to understand the two drivers that lead to developing excellent leadership skills; they are social and behavioural orientations.
Social orientation is the tendency to be comfortable, confident, interactive and influential in a group context, i.e. having importance in social settings. Leadership without growth struggles to challenge status quo or drive change. When visibility becomes the overwhelming driver of social orientation, it reduces the quality of leadership.
Interpersonal Dynamics Orientation is about building trust, being persuasive, persevering, using power and authority in a calibrated manner, building networks and leveraging them, and being adaptable and flexible with respect to the terms of engagement.
This profiler would provide valuable insights to every leader who is looking into their political savvy skills. When you have a weak orientation to interpersonal dynamics, the ability to steer group dynamics and shape views will be underdeveloped. Thus, to help prevent such a mishap, this profiler will help build and achieve skill required to enhance the quality of leadership.